Quotes that resonate.....
TELL me and I forget. SHOW me and I am entertained. Have me DO IT and I remember.
Marvin Bartel
Getting your hands dirty is what its all about for an artist...do it and remember! I hope this is a mixture of both this month. Something to get you 'doing' as well as pushing boundaries and trying something new.
Websites of Interest
The secrets of generating art ideas....this is an article that was found to have many layers of relevance and can be applied to your own philosophy about how you create and use your imagination when being artists or teachers of art. How do we teach imagination, critical thinking, transfer of knowledge, synthesising, and choice making when there are so many choices to imitate in life?
Texture paste and stencils
Painting in its glory has to be when you have a mind meld of media, technique and imagination. Then you begin to apply the layers that create the interest and depth.Techniques such as glazing, embedding, texturing and sgraffito can lift a painting with added highlights or focal points. Be prepared to deconstruct the mystery behind many contemporary effects used by artists today with further tips and details to come.
Texture paste with bubble wrap, back of an egg flip and beehive stencil.If you love using texture paste here is a quick recipe to make heaps of your own and never have to buy it again.
Products to try ....
Another easy to carry and handy to have little number is the watercolour disc set. Colours are simply used by adding water and the intensity is superb. The lid also converts to a handy little palette when needed

Koh-I-Noor watercolour disc set
Mixed Media
Combining media and layering.

When combining pencil, charcoal, ink, pastels and finally white conte, who would know that you could produce a collage of ideas so vastly different to someone else who uses the exact same media. We are all unique when it comes to interpreting images around us.
That is the simplicity of layering and collaging.Try and mix up your media even if it is one thing at a time. Use 3 images in 3 different medias.
Our latest venue 'Lift'. 'Creative Colour' was an exciting Professional Development workshop (that happened to fall on International Women's Day ) that gave lots of useful and fun ways to approach art journaling and colour. Here's a taste of what was experienced..... Click on the link below and check out a short video. This little app is also a great way to link some photos together really quickly with minimal stress...bit of fun too.