December Newsletter
Merry Christmas from Artworkshops Group
We are wanting to wish everyone a relaxing and rejuvenating Christmas holiday.The year is almost over and it's time to have a well deserved break. A big thank you to everyone who has joined us at Artworkshops this year and supported us with encouraging comments and participation in our workshops. We hope that you can be inspired to keep on creating into the new year and head into 2014 with renewed energy.
You're Not Alone...
Starting out in any media by doing your first workshop can be daunting but being comfortable making mistakes and having fun playing with colour and a variety of unchartered territory can be exciting at the same time. That's just what was done in our Introduction To Art and Drawing Working into the Wet workshops held at beautiful Montville in November. Take a look at our adventures at:
and click on our video
Intuitive Inspiration
What is it that makes us create something of beauty that is seen by one person and not others. What is it you see in this mixed media artwork? A portrait, a storm on the horizon, or is it the colour that lures you into a serene landscape? We all have our own way of looking at what is before us and a unique style that translates through a media to help us create a vehicle for our self-expression. Everyone has the ability to tap into this intuitive style of creating, we just need to smell the roses once in a while and tune in to the stillness and creative energy that is in all of us. How often do you take time out to just play? Childhood vision and dreams are the essence of play .....remember back to your childhood and those connections are where you can find the most simple starting points that will trigger where you enjoyed playing.
" The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance." Aristotle
Good luck finding your intuitive inspiration!!!
Inspiration via the Internet
We all have spent some valuable time on the internet scouring for sites that catch our eye or provide opportunities to network with other creative souls. If you think doing an Artworkshop can be a vehicle to get your artwork happening and create enough interest for you to sell your own artwork ,then this is one blog you might find interesting......Jason is a gallery owner with 12 years of valuable experience and suggestions about how to get confident in the selling of your artwork.
Jason Horjes
Inspiration Artist March 2014
Lizzie Connor
 Lizzie Connor is our vibrant and colourful Inspirational Artist for the beginning of 2014.
Working with Lizzie Connor is about embarking on a creative journey into painting, both oils and acrylics, drawing and pastels and as a tutor she shares a wealth of experience and dedication by creating a passion for art in those that she teaches. This workshop weekend will be focused on pastel portraits and "Keeping it Loose" is a way of combining the fun of exploring and experimenting with lots of playful and exciting directions. It will be a workshop not just for the experienced but those who have a passion for taking a love of pastels further.
Dates to remember: 29th and 30th March 2014